Mymeara Eldar

With the Imperial Fists 'finished' for the time being, I finally get to start on the Eldar. I decided on a  Mymeara Craftworld force, not because of any fluff, but I like the combination of the turquoise blue and black helmets. I can't say that I'm totally enamoured with the transition to green lower down, but it is fun to paint, so that's a plus. Also, given that most of the 2nd edition army I have is made up of Aspect Warriors, the Craftworld colour scheme isn't really hugely important. 

Mymeara Guardians

This was the base coat on. It's a beautiful colour and really made me want to just paint them up like this, without the green. It's VGC Turquoise. With a little thinning, not even that much, it went through the airbrush perfectly, and it's coverage was excellent. A really bright and vibrant colour that would be perfect for an Eldar force.

Mymeara Guardians

And this is them after I made myself continue with the Mymeara scheme. I'm still not sure which I prefer, the straight turquoise or with the green transition. I hope they're going to look pretty nice when I get the wash into them.

It was really humid when I was putting the deep shading into the green and unfortunately there was a lot of water coming through the airline. The water trap was filling up within a minute of spraying - the worst I'd ever had. Anyway, I managed to finish it up passably. Hopefully I'll get that wash on later today.

I did get the wash done and I'm a lot happier with the scheme now. It ties it together a little more, and they always look better once that gloss coat is off too.

I'm really looking forward to getting some details done now.


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