Fire Dragons

I've wanted to paint the Eldar Aspect Warriors since I first saw them back in 1990 in White Dwarf 127. Jes Goodwin's art for these guys was beautiful, the sculpts were amazing (although I didn't realise just how good they were at the time, as this was my first White Dwarf and I was still in primary school), and Mike McVey's painting gave them such vibrancy. So, a mere 27 years later I finally painted my first. The Fire Dragons.

It was difficult to choose which to do first as I really love all these originals. So it came down to wanting to try to get a really dark red transitioning up to a really bright highlight. I thought that would be fun to try, so Fire Dragons it was.

Mymeara Fire Dragon

You can't see it clearly here (under the gloss coat), but this is all the shaded and highlighted airbrushing done. Over a base coat of white primer went VGA Gory Red. Shading from below was done with a mix of VGA Scarlet Red and black. Zenithal highlighting was done with GW Wazdakka Red. From straight on the highlight and shade were hard to see, but when looked from the top or below, they became really clear. 

Mymeara Fire Dragon

I couldn't decide what to do with the helmets. Eventually I settled on a red to yellow transition. This was just Wazdakka, then Wazdakka mixed with VGA Gold Yellow, the straight Gold Yellow, then VGA Moon Yellow. I was really happy with how this turned out, and how easy it was, but my rush meant that I rubbed off a little paint right from the front of the helmets as I rested them on my painting book trying to keep overspray off the rest of the miniature. I should have been more patient, but I was pleased to get these done so fast. I've got transfers in the post which should pretty well cover any blemishes.

Mymeara Fire Dragon

The bone white of the guns I made a little lighter on these guys as they were just a little more dark than I'd planned, and this really helped lighten the models. GW Pallid Wych Flesh is quickly becoming a secure favourite.

Mymeara Fire Dragon

Mymeara Fire Dragon

I made the dots on the helmets into little gems to help get more of the Mymeara colour on to the models. Those, the main gems, eye lenses and the couple of warriors with cloth provide the cyan/aqua colour of Mymeara. I didn't give these guys any of the orange flowers on their bases, only the yellow. the orange would have been just a bit too much I think.

All in all, I'm really happy with these guys. I could have gone an extra edge highlight of a lighter orange to really lighten the models, and I was tempted to, but that just isn't my style. It might have helped the armour look a little harder around the edges, but I've always leaned more towards darker painting (what a strange thing to say after an Imperial Fist army and then an Eldar force...). I'm so pleased to have finally painted up a squad of Aspect Warriors.


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