Howling Banshees

Howling Banshees next. These were great because they were really fast. I had a fair part of the day in which I was able to paint and I got them finished in that time. It ended up being a pretty late night since the bases just would dry between coats, but determination won over in the end. 

I love these old blister packs. They really bring the nostalgia (and the foam should be useful for battle damage, but not on the Eldar, they're going to be clean). I also love that the army box was clearly packed with retail packs in England prior to shipment in the box, and that the whole squad only cost 5.99 pounds. Not even $15 Australian, which is what the old blisters used to cost me as a boy. I love the new plastic boxes, and for the most part am happy to pay the higher price (which realistically isn't that much more, particularly given how much more you get in them), but to see such beautiful hobby icons squished into a little blister pack for so little just amazes me, and reminds me how lucky I am to have got my hands on this box.

For some reason I had a Vallejo Desert Tan Primer which was perfect. VMA Khaki provided shadows, and VGA Bone White provided zenithal highlights.

The tabbards and hair provided a perfect opportunity to get both the green and blue Mymeara colour on to the models. I decided to keep the bone colour on the weapons, as I decided to make all the weapons of this army bone. I lightened the colour (GW Pale Wych Flesh again proving its value), and I only now realise that I forgot to edge highlight them with pure white - but we all know that will never happen now...). More orange flowers on the base this time, as the yellow don't provide such a strong contrast with the Banshees. Despite not being totally traditional looking, and also being done so fast (for me, one day for a squad is unheard of), I'm really pleased with these. They're really vibrant, they're clearly Howling Banshees, and the fit in really nicely with the rest of the army, thanks mainly to their wild hair.


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