My little force needed transport. A Rhino was obvious, and I'd loved the Drop Pods since the days of Epic. What a great fun, and great looking kit that is! I really planned to do another, but with the new 8th rules that only half your force can come in on reserve, I'm not sure it's worth it. I do plan on one day getting another Rhino, but perhaps one of the new Repulsor's would be better gameplay-wise. Maybe there'll be a Primaris Rhino shortly.
These two models both suffered from my shading issues, so they're both quite yellow. The Drop Pod is not too bad, I think due to the soot weathering powder. The learning experience on these two models was weathering powder. Unfortunately the soot I used on these was a Tamiya one (not that I have anything against Tamiya) that seemed to be more of a make-up style thing with a make-up style applicator. Don't rate it, and I've since moved to powder. On a side note, I really should varnish the underside of the Rhino as it leaves dirty little tracks where ever my little boy plays with it (an actual little man, not a plastic one).
Looking at the Rhino now, I really need to put some transfers on it. It's really crying out for some sort of squad or chapter markings. I'm pretty happy with the Drop Pod, except for the ramps/doors. I envisaged a more worn out centre part to the flooring, but it just looks naff. Another thing I should repaint as it annoys me every time I open it. This was my first foray into magnetising weapon option too. It was a fiddle, and probably not really worth it in terms of gameplay, but I enjoyed doing it.
The Rhino is probably my least favourite unit I've done. It's fine as it is, but it doesn't really match with the rest of the army, it's just too bright. Maybe those long awaited squad marking would help...
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