Fire Support
Another unit that I'd always loved was the Thunderfire Cannon. I've wanted to paint one, as well as a Techmarine for about as long as I can remember wanting to paint. I hadn't even thought about the kit being Finecast, and was a little nervous when I picked it up. The only other Finecast figures I'd painted before were a unit of Chaos Raptors way back when Finecast first came out. I didn't have any trouble with the casts, but they all ended up flying horizontal to the ground because their little moulded flying stands got the droop.
I literally couldn't have been happier with the Thunderfire Cannon. It and the Techmarine were beautiful casts (after the extra cleaning, scraping, cutting, re-working...). Beautifully crisp details, and the paint when on perfectly. So of all the horror stories I've heard about, I seemed to dodge them all.
I've always thought that resin models look great with a little extra battle damage, so there's a little on this guys, something I hadn't really done with the scouts, and not at all with the Centurions. I wanted him to look a lot more functional rather than super detailed, so there was no fuss with the servo-harness at all. I didn't want hazard stripes on the pipes or extra shiny highlights. My idea was that he's a functional and busy was machine, in perfect working condition, but with no ostentation. So I went to town with soot and dirt powders. I also decided to base the two together, despite this maybe meaning I'd have to remove both from the field if the gun gets destroyed. I think it just looks so much better as a single unit rather than the cannon and the marine.
I was lucky enough to have this guy posted on the GW Thunderfire Cannon page, which I'm kinda proud of. I know not everything on there is the pinnacle of miniature painting, which is something I don't even aspire to reaching, but proud nonetheless.
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