
I've got mixed feelings about Centurions. I love the models, I think they look great. On the other hand, my practical side says they're fairly ridiculous, along with the Grey Knights Dreadknight (another really cool model) and Eldar War Walkers (but at least they're got a shield kinda thing for the pilot).

One thing I can say is DO NOT completely build these prior to painting!

I did this, and it made it very difficult to paint them. I even thought about ditching them half way through because I wasn't enjoying it at all. I came to my sense and pushed through, thinking that I'd just get them finished and to hell with the final outcome. I'm glad I did, because I really love them.

Imperial Fists Centurions

Imperial Fists Centurion

Imperial Fists Centurion

This was the first unit that I finally worked out my shading. I made a new mix of VMA Burnt Umber and VGA Gold Yellow (my base yellow colour). This meant that I didn't need to give another coat of Gold Yellow over the top of the shade. It gave the models a lot more depth and I love the result. I think I was still using the stark grey highlight here, but again, I think it looks okay on these guys. 


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