Primaris Command

The last of the Dark Imperium marines I had to do were the command. I can't stand the look of the Lieutenant helmet stripes. They look to me as though they're wearing a 1970's motorcycle helmet, straight out of On Any Sunday. That's cool, but maybe not for Space Marines...

These guys took an age to complete, life was not giving a whole lot of time for painting - much like at the moment as I try to get a Stormtalon completed. I pretty well got them done in three different periods. All the base coating and airbrushing was done first pretty fast. After a long break, I got all the details done but for the banner and a few bits here and there. I kind of stalled on this for a few day. For some reason I was a little nervous of the banner. I wanted to make it look okay since it's a fairly massive piece. In the end I compromised on speed and looks. At least it's done.

Primaris Command

Primaris Commander

Primaris Commander

The commanders' cloak I airbrushed. I'd never done this before so I wanted to see how it would look. To be honest, it looks too smooth. I haven't given them a coat of matt varnish yet which should tone it down a little, but I generally like a more leathery look for the outside of the cloaks. Okay for the inside though. I think a mix of airbrushing and standard brushing might be worth a try next time.

I was happy with the power swords. I like the idea of them being normal metal swords that get a power charge towards the tip.

Primaris Lieutenant

The helmets I painted as I have throughout the rest of my army. Just the top vent coloured to signify rank. The Lieutenants I gave the same red stripe to as the sergeants, but they have the gold skull there at the front too.
I also gave the bare-headed Lieutenant white hair to give him the appearance of more experience. I also gave him a serious pair of old man eyebrows. Not channelling Robert Menzies, but moving in that direction.

Primaris Lieutenant

Primaris Ancient

The banner. I'm really happy with the highlighting and shading of the banner, but not so much with the top two transfers. The top one needs toning down with a bit of washed out bone colour, and the central fist is just a little too small. It's not really, but the gold lightning bolts really disappear against the gold, so it seems much smaller than it is.
I did the same with the Ancient's helmet too, and I'm really happy with how it looks.

Dark Imperium Primaris Marines


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