Stormtalon pre-weathering

Finally managed to finish the Stormtalon except for basing and weathering. I did decide to paint the canopy yellow rather than grey after all, and glad I did too. Once the canopy was on, there seemed very little point in painting 90% of the cockpit details, or the pilot. I thought you'd be able to see more than you can. Oh well. 

Imperial Fists Stormtalon

Imperial Fists Stormtalon

Imperial Fists Stormtalon

One side effects of painting in the sub-assemblies was that there enough layers of paint on various parts that they no longer really fit together well. It was a fair effort getting the cockpit into the fuselage, at which point it shifted the air intakes backwards and broke them away from the main body as well. Nothing that a little soot won't cover up. 

The other oddity was that once it was all together, the canopy didn't really fit any more. The cockpit seemed to have pushed out at the sides where the main console is at the front of the cockpit. So the canopy would only fit with a lot of pressure pressing down on it so that it would stretch over the wider cockpit. Weird. Nevertheless, the Micro Kristal Klear worked beautifully, but I did have to tape it down over night. 

Can't wait to get some time to finish this off now, I think that some weathering will really bring out the best in this model. 


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