
My army needed Lysander, and I'd always planned on painting him, but I'm just not a fan of painting the characters, at least not when I'm trying to get an army done. There's a lot of decorative detail which is time-consuming to paint and I'm just not a fan of it on marine models. Nevertheless, I had to bite the bullet. Whilst I was at it I painted up the GW store Forge World Praetor.

Imperial Fists Lysander
Imperial Fists Praetor

Imperial Fists Lysander

I'd seen a lot of Lysanders with more colourful shields and I think that it detracts from the model a little, so I did this one mostly just with the army grey I'd been using. I'm pretty happy overall. He's a much more utilitarian looking character than seems to be the norm with most of the decoration painted in fairly subdued tones.


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